Capt. Dan

2010 Aquasentials joins the gulf coast and southeast region in recovery from oil spill.

Hey Friends,

Thanks for checking out Aquasentials.

In my life I have been passionate about a few things and I have discovered that they are centered around two things; Children and Education.   Now I plan to join them together and throw in my love for the marine world. Working in Foster care, Teaching LD children, and heading up youth groups in my years have helped me become experienced and knowledgeable in the building-up of our children and families, not to mention that my wife has been a Director in  Early Childhood for over 10 years.

As you can see above in our page banner, from left to right, the progression that Aquasentials desires to achieve. Starting with the environment, some fun, and add some education we can help build some strong children and help the environment in the process.  We hope to join some local organizations who work with children in foster care, at-risk, handicapped and those with medical  conditions.

Will you consider helping.  Go to our support page and become a  supporter or volunteer.


Captain Dan

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